I have plenty of hair so you could be right calling me greedy wanting more with hair extensions but I find my hair is weakest on the sides – it breaks – and that’s the area around the front of my face – the place everybody sees! I couldn’t care less about the back, lol!
So, when I asked my hairdresser Dylan Bradshaw could I/should I get hair extensions he said “You don’t need them!”. I still wanted to try them so we came to a compromise….a handful (maybe 10/12 bonds) on each side and he suggested Gold Fever Hair extensions as they are superior quality. I don’t need them for length – my hair is long anyway – so it is purely to thicken out the area around my face. I am thrilled with them.
They give me the fullness I was missing, make my blow dries last longer and because I only had to buy one packet of bonds they were not as expensive as a full head.
So my advice: If you want volume and don’t need any extra length just tell your hairdresser you only need a few bonds in the places where your hair is weakest. If you want length, volume and thickness (I find mine easier to blow dry and the blow dry lasts longer when I have extensions), go for the lot! But make sure you ask for Gold Fever Hair. I have mine in 5 months and I haven’t lost a strand. That’s Fantastic value!
Here are two pics I took this week with Gold Fever Hair – 5 months later!